Our Purpose
Blight is pervasive, expensive, and has damaging effects on the economic and social fabric of communities. Vacancy results in blighted blocks, high maintenance costs, nuisance issues such as crime and fire, and uncollected taxes. This creates a cycle of disinvestment with the ultimate cost paid by existing community residents.
Direct Costs
- Code enforcement
- Police and fire
- Public works
- Demolition
- Loss of tax revenues
Indirect Costs
- Decreased property values
- Lack of investment
- Neighborhood perception
Effects on Real Estate by the numbers
23.7% properties in Allegheny County fall within 150 feet of a blighted structure.
Blighted properties can decrease non blighted property values that are within 150 feet by 15-17%.
Cycle of Blight
Eliminating Blight…
Increases tax revenues
Improves the health of residents
Reduces crime, in particular gun-related violence
Can raise surrounding property values up to 30% simply by greening a vacant lot
Anti-Racism Statement
Historically and presently, communities of color face discrimination and legal barriers that make it harder to own property. Tri-COG Land Bank recognizes the systemic racism present in our region and seeks to addresses inequity by creating new pathways to property ownership and stabilizing communities that historically and presently experience disinvestment. TCLB commits to continually evaluate our institutional practices and identify areas we can improve to contribute to a just and equitable society.